Kom i form – snabbt

för er som funderar hur ni  snabbt kommer i form vidarebefordrar jag från veckans RoadBikeRider  nedanstående citat
Så kör hårt  !!!   Vi träffs  lördag den 4 april på Mårdvägen.
How Can I Get Fit Fast?
Q:  I confess — I didn’t ride very much during the winter. But I want to get in shape for a metric century on the Memorial Day weekend. Is there any hope? — Calvin R.
Coach Fred Matheny Replies:  Don’t panic, Calvin. You and everyone who had a less-than-productive off-season can gain sufficient fitness for a big spring event.
This year the Memorial holiday weekend is May 23-25. If you want to do a 62-mile (100-km) ride then, you have 9-10 weeks to get ready if you start now.
Do it by consistently increasing the length of your long weekend ride about 10% each week. Your weekly mileage — or time on the bike, if that’s how you measure — should increase about the same percentage.
On one or 2 weekdays, include some intensity in the form of group rides, intervals, hills — whatever is fun to do without cooking yourself.
Why do I recommend intensity if you’re not training to race? Because a moderate dose will boost your speed and power, making long rides more fun. Would you rather struggle on those hills or spin up, smiling?
The good thing about this type of midweek training is that it doesn’t require lots of time. Warm up, spend 30-45 minutes mixing in some intensity, then cool down as you spin home. You’ll find highly effective workouts as short as 30 minutes in the new eBook at RBR, Training for Busy Cyclists.

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